Your astrological prediction will be prepared by Er, K S saini who is BE, ME & Jyotish Visharad from Indian council of astrological science. It will be based on krishanna Murti Paddhati which is micro analysis of any future event of your life. Every event of your life is pre-decided. Nothing happens suddenly

1.Ask 1 question:

Ask one question to any one area of your life. These question must be specific in nature. The question should be based on one person only.

Fee: Rs.2100/-INR

2. Ask 3 question:

Ask three question to any one area of your life. These question must be specific in nature. The question should be based on one person only.

Fee: Rs.5100/-INR

3. One year analysis:

One year analysis of your horoscope will be carried out to know your future in coming one year

Fee: Rs. 5100/-INR

4. Two year analysis:

Two year analysis of your horoscope will be carried out to know your future in coming two year

Fee: Rs. 8100/-INR

5. Five year analysis:

Five year analysis of your horoscope will be carried out to know your future in coming five year

Fee: Rs. 15100/-INR

6. Love report:

You are in love or wish to be in love with someone and eager to know the fate of love.

– Whether you will get the success in love or it will be failure.

– Who will be responsible for this failure? You or your love partner.

– Whether this love will change in marriage or not.

– Any other question which is in your mind regarding this relationship.

Fee: Rs. 5100/-INR

7.Marriage report:

– Complete horoscope matching with analysis of future marriage problem

– Whether you will be married or not

– If married, it will enjoy happy married life or you will face problem in your married life

– Whether there are any possibility of separation of husband & wife after marriage

– Whether it will be permanent separation(Talak) or it is temporary

– Whether there are any possibilities of remarriage to some one else

– Any other question regarding marriage problem

Fee: Rs. 5100/-

8.Job report:

– When you will get suitable job of your choice

– Whether you are expecting any job change or promotion in your existing job

– Whether you will be suspended from your existing job

– Whether you will be reinstated from suspension

– Whether you will be dismissed/terminated from your existing job

– whether you are in fear regarding loosing your present job.

– Whether you will get other job after loosing your existing job

– Whether you will get success in getting another job while being in existing job

Fee: Rs. 5100/- INR

9.Business report:

Which business will suit to you

– Which is the right time to get success in business

– When you will get loss in your business

– Which is the right time to expend/make further investment in your business

– Which is the right time when you are suppose to change your existing business to avoid any future loss in your business

Fee: Rs. 5100/-INR

10. Legal or litigation report:

Are you involved in any sort of legal problem or have been charged with any sort of litigation

Your horoscope and planter transit will forecast what will happen in future

Fee: Rs. 5100/-INR

11. Health report:

Are you suffering with ill health and want to know when you will get away from ill health

Fee: Rs. 5100/-INR

Note: For getting the above you will have to give us the following details:

1. Your Name

2. Your date of birth

3. your time of birth

4. your place of birth

5. Your question

6. your back ground life history with timing of events if possible to know the accuracy of your birth time

Terms of payment: you will have to deposit the entire fee in advance in our bank account. The detail of bank account is as under

1. Name of bank- HDFC Bank

2. Branch- Banipark Jaipur

3. Type of account- current account

4. Account holder- Beta tech consultancy and Marketing Pvt. Ltd

5. Account number-12342000001495

6. RTGS/NEFT/IFS code- HDFC0001234

After depositing the fee you have to send the information on SMS/email giving the detail mentioned above. You will get our report in 7 working days after your confirmed order.